About AMG

Asia's biggest virtual championship

The Asian Music Games is one of AMBC’s flagship events – the Asian Marching Band Confederation™ which promises to be the Biggest Virtual Music and Visual competition that organizes and presents individual, duet and group performances in various categories from all over Indonesia.

Due to the current global new normal, the Asian Music Games will continue to be presented in a virtual format, side by side with the Offline format which is expected to start fully next year.

Together we will share knowledge and improve the same ability and dedicate it to Music and the Marching World.

Let’s celebrate The Marching Arts, Let’s Celebrate the Power of Asia

Awarding Ceremony
Asian Music Games 2022 AWARD CEREMONY is scheduled to be presented SATURDAY, 31st DECEMBER 2022, at 11.00 AM - GMT +7

AMG is now available in Android format

Please download here to get it. 

From now on, register yourself here

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